For that environmentalist who has everything on this, World Population Day! And if that don't convince ya...

(And if that fails, well there's always population offsets.)
Obama: "The southern border is more secure today than at any time in the past ... Juy 1, 2010
The Associated Press - Jul 2, 2010
CNS reports the latest waste of your tax dollars:
'The federal government has spent $550,496 on a project that involved conducting “focus groups and in-depth interviews” with American long-haul truck drivers to learn about their sex lives in order to assess their risk of contracting HIV or other sexually transmitted infections.
The project has failed to find any instances of HIV among the truck drivers studied.'
The government may have worded some of the questions a bit too formally. We would suggest that they would get more honest answers in the future if they simply rephrase the questions by using terminology with which the truck drivers can identify. For example:
Question #1: Have you ever hooked your big rig up to a strange trailer Question #3: Have you ever been rear-ended at a truckstop? Question #7: Have you ever made a long haul delivery down the chocolate highway? Question #12: Have you ever gone the wrong way up a one-way street?
We’re just saying...
Source: I hate the media
Defiance is the DNA of America. Every fiber of my being is overdosed on high-octane defiance. I often rise in the morning convinced that I am Rosa Parks with a loud guitar. It is beautiful.
From our forefathers tossing tea into the Boston Harbor over abusive taxes; to the brave defenders of the Alamo, who were outnumbered 25-to-1; to Brig. Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe, who answered the Nazi punks with "Nuts!" when he was asked to surrender at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, the DNA of America is rife with proud defiance.
We celebrate our freedom on Independence Day, but when you read Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, it could have easily been called the Declaration of Defiance.
What Jefferson and his fellow patriots John Adams and Benjamin Franklin wrote was a uniquely defiant document that not only listed their grievances defying King George's oppressive government but also was a declaration of out-and-out war against tyranny. Read More