Billy Carter's Gas Station
to Be Made a Historic Site

Billy Carter, President Jimmy Carter’s late younger brother, is remembered as a redneck gas station owner, public urinator and one-time registered foreign agent for Libya.

Now, Billy's trademark gas station in Plains, Ga. appears close to earning special recognition as part of a national historic landmark.

The House is considering, under expedited procedures, a bill (HR 1471) that would roughly double the size of a National Park Service site honoring President Carter in part by making the Billy Carter Service Station Museum an extension of the presidential historic site.

The CBO estimates that the proposal to add the Carter gas station to the current Carter presidential site would cost $17 million over five years, including planning and development costs, about $1 million to buy 10 acres and about $2 million in additional staffing and other expenses.

There's no word from congress if it is considering the same action for President Obama's youngest brother Onyango's hut in Nairobi.


Anonymous said... @ October 27, 2009 10:35 AM

Will the Govt get the rights to brew Billy Beer too?

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